Our own Grandfather Rock sat down with gifted author Matthew Dickerson to discuss his Daegmon War Series and the modern genre fantasy literature.
Our own Grandfather Rock sat down with gifted author Matthew Dickerson to discuss his Daegmon War Series and the modern genre fantasy literature.
Matthew Dickerson’s The Daegmon War series is a spellbinding tale of mystery and wonder holding one’s interest from beginning to end.
Hammock’s ambient sound will transport you to a realm of beauty and mysterious wonder. It’s therapeutic. It is sonic excellence.
Our own Grandfather Rock hears a song and finds new appreciation in the freedom he has in sharing great tunes with his listening fans.
Our own Grandfather Rock, Chris MacIntosh takes annual road trips to this festival or that to simply refresh his soul and feed his imagination.
My life as a Christian sci-fi geek is leading me to Doxacon 2017: Where Faith and Truth Meet Science Fiction and Fantasy.
The play chronicles C.S. Lewis’ journey from determined atheist to Christian. It mirrors a similar journey for many Christians, but opens us up to the beauty that surrounds us.
The Beatles were the favorite but I was into the Stones and Yardbirds. I wanted to know who these guys were listening to and by whom they were being influenced.
KCGN radio, an armed forces network in Vietnam, fed my love of what was at the time called deep cuts, songs rarely heard. I still love the deep cuts.
Prestigious SXSW Music Festival in Austin recently kickstarted a great upcoming season of music festivals. Time to find the festival near you!