One of the hottest new series from Netflix, “The Crown,” is garnering awards and teaching this generation to revisit the struggles of World War II.
One of the hottest new series from Netflix, “The Crown,” is garnering awards and teaching this generation to revisit the struggles of World War II.
We learn from this British police war time drama about the role of big corporations in the Holocaust. The worst, I.G. Farben, made gas for Auschwitz.
This fresh young, accomplished group makes big, bold, folky pop filled with singalong choruses and a heavy dose of country twang.
Burning Man is a collective critique of modernity and a reminder that the ancient pagans knew more about reality and the soul than many appreciate today.
“Menashe” has something sorely lacking from the majority of mainstream movies: 3 dimensional characters, a plausible story and a wealth of soul.
This youthful band has mastered the retro jazzy style. Its fresh new approach and instrumental excellence emerge in this SCENES Live Session. Check it out.
The idea of losing German revenue, combined with peer pressure from the other studios, convinced most in Hollywood to ban movies critical of Hitler.
New technology, in the form of VHS videos, enabled skilled skateboarders to create and distribute instructional videos. Skateboarding was transformed.
“Atomic Blonde” covers the tumultuous weeks when Eastern Germany suddenly went from ghastly prison state to being open to the West. It’s also a lot of fun.
Silicon Valley elites have an obsession with immortality. They’re willing to flout longstanding moral limits on experimenting with humans. It’s scary.