American Ninja Warrior sensation, Daniel Gil, is known for his classical voice, luscious locks and completing America’s most intense obstacle courses in record time. His nom de guerre is #KingdomNinja, which is a reference to his faith.
When asked by SB Nation what inspires and motivates him, he said “Some people who inspire me would be, of course, in the Ninja world, people like Sam Sann and Kacy Catanzaro. People who have faced tremendous obstacles before and been really successful at it.
“And then my faith, my lord and savior Jesus. I’ll think about all he went through and all that I want to accomplish. Nothing is impossible. Nothing is too hard. Once you get into that right mindset, mind frame, you can do it. You can do anything.”
Gil defines himself as a follower of Christ on all his Social Media accounts and has used his recognition to inspire young people.
After his debut season on American Ninja Warrior, he visited the middle school at Cypress Christian School in his hometown of Houston, TX. CCS News reported that after sharing his testimony, “He also shared about his amazing journey of discovering his gifts and talents and watching as God provided work and opportunities to use those gifts and talents for God’s glory. Everyone in the gym was impressed by Daniel’s humility and his ability to communicate with students.”
He dominated the Oklahoma City Finals last week, finishing the course with the fastest time. Next, the #KingdomNinja will face the elaborate four-stage obstacle course in Las Vegas.