One of the hottest new series from Netflix, “The Crown,” is garnering awards and teaching this generation to revisit the struggles of World War II.
One of the hottest new series from Netflix, “The Crown,” is garnering awards and teaching this generation to revisit the struggles of World War II.
Global temperature can be whatever we want it to be. If we decide as a global community to identify as a planet with a lower temperature, who can judge us?
Nothing short of an East German-style totalitarian state will silence popular rage at the catastrophe that European elites have inflicted on their people.
The loudest anti-racists often embrace the opposite errors. As answers to Alt-Right racism they demand crippling white guilt and de facto open borders.
We’ve stumbled from farce to the blackest kind of satire. We’re not living out “Idiocracy.” Instead we’re re-enacting Dostoevsky’s “The Possessed.”
Whetherman’s striking, original sound draws on homegrown roots music styles, including country, folk, rock, bluegrass and blues. Watch him here.
Patriarchy gets a bad name. But it’s what built civilization in the first place, and what could save it today, this pastor tells men.
Filmmaker and human rights activist Jason Jones is joining Kurdish, Christian, and Yezidi victims of ISIS to hold Obama accountable for chaos in Iraq.
Anthony Burgess, most famous for writing “A Clockwork Orange,” predicted current events in Europe in a 1962 novel. Read it & weep.
The new series from Hulu paints pro-lifers and Christians as sex-obsessed fascists.