Thought you might want to see a detail shot of the new collage underway in the studio. I will post the entire collage once it’s completed.
Thought you might want to see a detail shot of the new collage underway in the studio. I will post the entire collage once it’s completed.
Artist Barbara Shermund’s women were both ditzy and bright, dependent and independent, tough and soft.
The next time you are tempted to believe a prediction purely on the basis of an expert’s opinion, remember these famous last words.
In this world, nothing is quite the way it should be–every aspect of the world is crooked. And we are all in it together.
What are your fondest memories of your childhood? Mine are the days with friends building forts.
Thirty year old Shaun Roberts was born in Lufkin, grew up in East Texas and is now an Assistant Professor and head of the painting program at Stephen F. Austin State University. Shaun’s paintings andRead more