The producers of the new movie ‘Little Pink House,’ starring Catherine Keener, talk about their new movie and how local governments take people’s land under eminent domain laws to increase tax revenues.
The producers of the new movie ‘Little Pink House,’ starring Catherine Keener, talk about their new movie and how local governments take people’s land under eminent domain laws to increase tax revenues.
Roseanne Barr’s return to primetime TV and the Christian movie ‘I Can Only Imagine’ are gigantic surprise hits. President Trump called Roseanne to congratulate her.
Eighteen years after the Columbine massacre and every other terrible tragedy up to the 17 preventable deaths in Parkland, it looks like many Americans are ready to listen instead of just talking.
‘Black Panther’ is blockbuster genius for Black History Month because its concepts of freedom appeal to the entire human race.
Kathy Griffin has been fired from CNN for releasing a photo of a decapitated head resembling the President.