Acts of hospitality toward strangers, even when risk or personal sacrifice is involved, are portrayed by Tolkien as virtuous and wise.
Acts of hospitality toward strangers, even when risk or personal sacrifice is involved, are portrayed by Tolkien as virtuous and wise.
The best literature is transcendent. This is certainly true of the writings of J.R.R. Tolkien, especially his Middle-earth Legendarium.
Writing—like fishing—is not so much an expression of what I already know, but an act of attentive learning.
Gina Ochsner’s prose is sharp, concise, and weighty, and her characters are real and compelling.
What I loved first and foremost about the genre was simply the sense of wonder and awe and enchantment.
I fell in love with fantasy fiction in high school and knew even then that I wanted to write my own fantasy-fiction novel.
A college professor of computer science lives another life in music, writing songs, recording albums, exploring mystery and passion